I’ve been responsible for maintaining a number of WordPress websites in my time, some larger than others. This one, for example, gets almost zero traffic, but I like to think that the hits I do get to this site are people looking for very specific answers that I’ve been able to provide. Today I’m going to try and add another helpful insight about WordPress optimization and troubleshooting with the hopes that it might help someone else in the future.
Continue reading “Fixing Intermittent Slowness and Timeouts on WordPress Sites”Tag: wordpress
Adding a Featured Image to All Posts in WordPress in One Easy Click
Featured images are sometimes an afterthought. For older bloggers, featured images weren’t really a critical part of the web layout and often weren’t added to posts. And for newer bloggers, it’s just one more step that doesn’t seem necessary. But then there comes a point where you want a new theme that requires featured images to work, and now you have hundreds of posts without that featured image.
Continue reading “Adding a Featured Image to All Posts in WordPress in One Easy Click”Querying And Displaying WordPress Site Stats Using a PHP Script

I like being able to keep an eye on everything that’s going on with the stuff I run. To that end I run a LibreNMS deployment in my house that monitors all my equipment, and I’v got a dashboard that gives me the vital statistics for everything I care about in one glance. One thing that has been sorely missing was a widget where I could see the stats for my WordPress sites, and I think I finally figured that out this week.
Continue reading “Querying And Displaying WordPress Site Stats Using a PHP Script”